Finally, a place to write down all the happy stuff you encounter or decide upon or think about or wonder or dream of. Really, any kind of happy stuff you want to write down.
Featuring a variety of pastel-colored, gridlined pages, this notepad is handmade from start to finish: designed digitally, printed on high-quality paper, with each page cut and bound by hand with a recycled cardstock backing. (Please see the "Product Info" section for more details.)
"Happy Stuff" Mini Notepad
This notepad contains 6 different-colored pastel sheets.
Pages: 30+
Dimensions: 9cm x 9cm
Some notes about the handmade notepads:
- Each notepad is made by hand from start to finish, so no two notepads will be exactly alike.
- Because they are cut and bound by hand, pages may not be exactly aligned (the way machine-cut notepads are). I do my best, but my measurements aren't always exact!
- Notepad backings are made from recycled cardstock that I reuse from various projects around my studio (old packaging from my supplies, etc.). All backing materials are sturdy and clean, but may vary in color and thickness.